Chapter 176: Beach Break [Filler]

[Hey dad, listen, i got a joke for you:

An atheist dies and finds himself on a beautiful beach. It's warm, the water is clear and blue, he can see a bar and there is a party going on nearby. As he wonders where he might be, one of the partygoers peels off from the crowd to come towards him, and before he knows it, he's being greeted by Satan himself, who enthusiastically welcomes him into hell and offers to show him around. The atheist agrees and starts to follow Satan around. All in all, hell appears to be a great place. There's the beach he arrived at, there's mountains and meadows, big cities and everything you could wish for. At some point during his tour however, the atheist happens to look down a cliff and is shocked to see the more classical depiction of hell at the bottom, full of magma and sulphur and people being tortured. He turns to Satan, who shrugs and pulls a face. "Yeah, that's the christians" he says. "They want it like that for some reason."]

Lucifer chuckled at the message he got from his son as he stabbed a sinner in the crotch, wiping a few tears that escaped his eyes as he laughed a little too hard at this joke- It was a good joke, but he never heard a joke depicting Hell as a Paradise before, so cut him some slack! He sighed as he looked at the red sky of the 7th layer of Hell, his glowing red eyes staring at it longingly as he remembered the last time he laughed like this- When he was with his previous male lover, he had given brith to one of his children, more specifically- Mephisto, the Prince of Sloth and leader of the 9th Layer of Hell, who was sleeping at the moent, in fact, has been sleeping for much longer.

Ah, he also remebers his daugther Nemeth, the Princess of Wrath, who is going around the Multiverse beating the shit out of people to get stronger.

"Well... Where did he said he would go to?" Lucifer whispered to himself before grinning: "Ah, it's been a while since i've been to a beach that isn't a sea of magma..."

-Scene Cut-

"Beach!" In a happy shriek, a dark-haired young teen threw himself on the seawater, splashing water all around the sand and other kids around- "Careful!" A tall, tan-skinned young man with short black hair and purple eyes stared at the the children running to the water, keeping a close eye to them- He was wearing only swimming shorts, everyone could see his extremely defined muscled back, he had a very detailed tattoo of two wings, one angelic and one demonic on his back. Enychta could feel the heated gazes on his body from various people, as a God of Love, he could easily feel the lust and desire from the mortals around him. JUst the fact that he is a God makes him already extremely hot in human standards.

"I'll keep an eye on them." Luke smiled at him while stepping forward, his blond hair was tightly held in a messy manbun, his blue crystal eyes looked at the children with love visible in his eyes. He had a pair of angel wings tattoeed on his back- Everyone saw his lithe body, not as big as Enychta's body, but still muscular and really atractive to people's eyes, his gentleness was really good to everyone around. "Can you put some sunscreen on Pruno's back?"

Pruno was wearing a tight, small bright pink speedo with white a flower patten on the ass, spreading out a long white towel on the sand as Annabeth set a black beach umbrella and Thalia sighed as she sat down on her own beach towel as Pruno waved his fingers at a group of teens that looked at him like he was beauty incarnate. Well, that's Gods for you. "Eny~" Pruno calls him in a sing-songy tone, smirking when he could easily feel Enychta's jealousy and possessiveness over him overflowing the bond the Trio shared among themselves. 'Oh... He's gonna break me,isn't he?' Pruno licked his pink lips as Enychta's eyes easily fell on his 'flower', the white flower on top of his ass, his pink speedo was really tight so you could easily see Pruno's really thick, plump ass that wiggled as he moved.

He had the perfect bubble butt.

[I'm so gonna break you later] Enychta promised when he felt Pruno's smugness from their bond, Luke chuckling while keeping an eye on the kids so they wouldn't go too far. "Can you help me put some sunscreen on my back, please...?" Pruno blinked at him with his pink doe eyes, shining with fucking fake tears that made Enychta's heart skip a beat for a moment. He was really weak, wasn't he? "Yeah, i can." He received the white bottle from Pruno and squeezed it on his back, he immediatly moaned lowly when the cold white cream hit his back, making Enychta have some sexy flashbacks while his nostrils picked up on the very strong (At least for him) smell of cum.

His cum.

On Pruno's back!

'What?" Enychta raised an eyebrow and lowered himself so his lips were touching Pruno's ear, he could feel the way his little darling's body shivered when he whispered on his ear: "Did you use this bottle a lot, hum?" Pruno whimpered for the second he felt Enychta's lips on his ear, making Enychta smirk as he continued: "You wouldn't care we're at a beach, would you, little whore? You want me to claim you, to mount you here in front of everyone, don't you?" His hands pressed against the white liquid as Pruno held in a moan, but the scent of his arousal grew deeper as the smell of his shame grew thinner- Oh yeah, he had an Exhibitionism kink.

"In front of kids? You really are a little fucking pervert, aren't you, my little bitch?" Enychta did not hesitate to bite Pruno's earlobe before pulling his head back, continuing the massage he was giving Pruno's back.

"Well, that was strangely hot." A voice said from the side, Enychta's eyebrows only raised slightly when he came face to face with a man whose face was really similar to his: "Hi Dad... Did you receive my joke?"

Lucifer smirked before pointing his finger at Pruno's boneless body that was on the beach towel, saying: "Well, i guess you have something else to take care of, don't you?"

"No, i dont'." Enychta chuckled, pinching Pruno's skin just a little tighter. "He provoked me, that's his punishment."


"So..." Enychta suddenly pulled a white ball from who knows where, showing it to his father: "Wanna play beach volleyball?"