Chapter 183: Awaken

"Well... I may not be the sharpest knife in the Julius Caesar, but that seems omnious." Enychta said as his eyes focused on the stars... they were vanishing from sight, he could also feel due to his [Endless Night] divinity how they were dying at an accelerated rate, not expldoing like a supernova, simply dying and vanishing from the universe unnaturally fast. "That seems to be so, my son." Nyx, the Primordial Goddess of the Night sighed as her hands came to res on her knees as she sat down on the floating chair of black marble, gazing at the endless void before her, devoid of any stars. Thankfully, the light of the star that earth can see is still visible.

"Well, i guess this mean Azathoth woke up huh." Enychta sighed, there was still a posibility he will die in this, because there's no way in hell he would let Pruno or Luke die- Even if he has to die to protect them. "it seems so-" Suddenly, both felt it, an impact on the shield surrounding this universe trembed. It was being attacked once again. "Fuck..." Enychta cursed as he looked at the sky- There were thousands of cracks on the endless void around them, it looked as if it was made of glass, and was not real. "Can you hold on, mother?" Turning to look at Nyx, Enychta smiled when he saw her nod as the cracks on the endless void simply closed themselves, Enychta only took a second to look at the cracks closing before his form simply vanished from sight.

He appeared beside his beloved Luke Castellan and Pruno begoni, both who were in the middle of some passionate kissing and dry humping, stopping only when he said: "Well, I hate to interrupt this beatiful sight, but we have a problem." Pruno's eyes opened as he stared at Enychta with eyes that ignited the flame of lust deep inside Enychta's heart oly for him to throw some reality-that-they-may-die water on top of it so he could focus on what was important. "We have?" Luke hummed as his eyes snapped open as it glowed in a golden light, he cursed as he swiftly got up and in a matter of a milisecond, he was dressed and holding on to a sword in hand. "Let's go!" Luke was ready for war. Pruno only sighed and got up from the bed before going to the bathroom to take a bath- "Pruno? We don't have time for that!" Luke cried out as Pruno's head surged once again from the hallway that lead to the bathroom: "If there's the slight posibility that we may die, i wanna die fabulously, bitch."

Enychta smiled fondly, swearing deep inside his heart, that he would not let them die.

"He's right... We have to warn Thalia's pantheon- They've been training under me for ten years, now i think they have enough resistance to an Eldritch God's insanity Divine Aura to actually help on this battle- On earth, protecting it from harm while we fight outside of space." Enychta kissed Luke's red lips before he cupped the man's cheeks, biting down on his lower lip before he heard Luke let out a small moan of pleasure and slight pain. "Let's get at least fabulous enough to die, okay?" Luke only nodded at Enychta's request while Pruno crused from the bathroom.

"Oh, i guess he found out that we don't have his Roses soap anymore." Luke chuckled while Enychta smiled fondly.

-Scene Cut-

In the enddless void of Outer Space, an entity of shadow and nightmares spread through infinity as eternity broke apart, a hole in space formed as a large tendril cracked through the hole, pulling it apart, spreading it until ripples of energy spread through the entire Outer Space, calling for his subjects, the Idiot Blind God woke up once again.

He already knew he was sent back to sleep by the Son of The Night, who still was less than an insect in his mind, but now he was an annoying bug that needed to be squished out of existence before he could bite him again.


[N̴̪̺̤̋̿͒́͊͛̕ ̵̲͎̪͎̼̻̯͈̼͓́̏̈́̄̍̀̓̄́̂ý̶̛̥͉̙͖̙͚͌̇̚̕ͅ ̴̢̗̥͈͚͚̟͎̓̓͘͘a̷͉͔̝̺͔̩̬̓͂̈́͐̅̇̏͠ ̶̖̃̇̈́̇͋̌͝ŕ̷̡̹̟̬͚͕͚̰̝̑̕̚̕̚͝ͅ ̴̜͈̹́̔̆͝ļ̸̛̠̠̜̗͐ ̴̦͆͐̋͂̀̚͠a̸̬͌̓ ̸̛̯͉̮͕̤̔̈́̈́́̋̌͗͌́t̸̠̹͂̇̉͌͂̋̓͝͠ ̷̡̜͓͙͔̞͕̟̍̓̃̃͒̾̚͝͠ͅh̵̛͈̆͗͌̔͐̕ ̶͖̈̓̿o̵͉͋̈́̅̏̒̕͝ ̵̧͈̖͖̩̞̓̎́̓͜ț̷̪̹̗̪̘͇̮̉̒̀͑̅ͅ ̷̟̘͕͔̞̀͌͑̽͗̊͊͜ę̶̙̮̼͕͖̰̙͖̯̓͆̆̍̀̈́̑̄͝ ̷̢͕̭̣̼̠̲̀́͂̚ṗ̷̱̀̑̿͊̽̂͛̋͝]


calling for one of his most loyal servants, Azathoth waited for hm, it took only took the servant a few seconds to come to his lord, thanks to the addition of time among Outer Space thanks to the annoying bug that created time in his domain, he wishes he could just go there and destroy that annoying bug- But he could still feel him, he knew that I̷f̸ he killed that annoying i̶̖͗n̷̫̔s̵̉͜ë̸̱ĉ̵̝t̷͔͂ he would be just reincarnated into another existence or universe or multiverse or omniverse- Because an Eldritch God could not be killed, they would just exist in another form after their death, if they ever die that is.

He could destroy everything that i̶̖͗n̷̫̔s̵̉͜ë̸̱ĉ̵̝t̷͔͂ liked, maybe he should start with those two little b̴̩̭̈́i̷̹̹̍t̷̹̜͝ç̵̈́̀h̷̛̟e̷͚̰̊́s̸̡̓ that he uses- Azathoth doesn't understand, if the i̶̖͗n̷̫̔s̵̉͜ë̸̱ĉ̵̝t̷͔͂ wanted to create new Eldritch gods, all he had to do was to dream them, and they would come to be real.

[M̴̮̬̑̈͌̄̿͆̔͒͠y̴̛̟̔͐̈́͂͗ ̶̯̦̋̒͋̂̓͒̒̽̚l̶̻̜̳͇̒͗̌͠ö̶͓̹͓́͛̂̈̏̆̚͝ṟ̸̢̧̩̲̱̰̙̂̓́͜d̷̯̒]

[H̷̠̣̀̍ẹ̴̯͊̑̚r̷͈̉͗̈́͜͠ḛ̵̮̣̞͊̓͑͆ ̷͇̈i̷̞̳̩̯͂̔͒͠ ̴̥͈̲͊̾̈́a̴̲̎m̶͎͉̤̝̍]

Gazing into Azathoth's form, the Blind Fool God could see the endless darkness that surrounded them be absorbed by the form of Nyarlathotep, and materialize into a humanoid entity with three heads, five hands on the top of the three heads, and five eyes in each hand. This form was pathetic, but Magnum Tenebrosum was a being of darkness that couldn't control which form it took, it only took that form from time to time.




[M̶̢̹̤̠̼̥̟̟̩̞͇̪̖̞͓̠̯̘̈́͛̈́â̴̧̡̛̳̪͖͈̙̖͇̝̠̥̙̗̯̖̓̓̂̏̔̈́̿͂̀̽̅́̚̚̕ģ̸̤̗̰͖̗̮͇̋́́́͋̀̈́̊͘n̸̨̨̳͈̺̻̯̻̙̱̫͈̲̻͈̩͕̱̞̝͍̥̾̓̈́͆̇̄̎̾̕͠ù̸̢̡̢̦̰͇͔̪̼͕̠̟̟̖͎̙̮͆ṁ̶̨̡̡̧̛̳͖̪̭͇̭̣̂͋̓͒̔̈́͌̓̉̿͠͝͝ ̷̯͉̹͊͋̀̀̑̏̎͂̀͂͌̇́̌̓͜͝Į̶͖͍͇̳̩͎̭͎̈́̒͛͋͛̓̓̓͑̌́̊̂̊͋̎̿̇́͊͊͘̕n̴̢̨̺͖͖̼̭͙̘̞̺͚̤̼̟͍̦͍͇̟̞͛̅̑̾̏͊̈́́̊̋̈̿̔͌͊͆̋̕͘͝ͅͅn̵̫̥͗͌̑̾̔́̈̄̈̄ơ̸̳̫̰͇̘̝͆̄̅͗͐̀̃̏͌́̋̑̊͌̓́̋̕͝͠m̸͓̝͇̞̱̘͓͕̟̜̳̺̯͉̼̭̰͔̥̣̠͉̌͜i̴̢̛̹̥͔̣͖̐̓́̌̈̊̀́̀̀̏͘ͅn̵̡̨͖͖̞̰̜̫͎̮̝̟͉̪͎̺̤͇̯͖͇̩̝̊̉̃͆́̽̍͑̑̿͐̽̇̚͠ḁ̵̧̡̲̖̘̤̤̯̺̲͚̰̞̟̱͕̲̲͍̐͘͜n̶̢̧̨̤̪̬͙̖̟̜͖̘̙̠̩̫͓̺̑̏̽͗͊̇̅̈̋̿̋̐̽̇͗̇́͒̚͘̚͜͠d̴̠̥̣̺̦̖̯͔̥̹̭͈͉͎̮̗̾ư̸̡̡͇̹̮̭̦͈̘̻̫̣͓̂͆̅̈́͒͒̃̃̔̚͘m̷̛̗͉̠̥̭̙̯̠͎̭̣̜̦̘̓̿̋͆̽̾̎̐̓̓͑̄́̈͊]




Azathoth began to call all his servants, but only a few of them appeared. Magnum Tenebrosum (Endless Darkness), Magnum Innominandum (Namelss Mist), Nyarlathotep, Yog-Soggoth, Shub-Niggurath, Tru'nembra (Flautist of Azathoth), Ycnàgnnisssz, and Ngyr-Korathn were the only to asnwer his call, all the other did not come.

Azathoth swore to find them and bring them endless pain and misery by making them turn into humans.

-Scene End-

Author Note:

From the first to the last in the glitched text:


[My ord]

[Here i am]

[Magnum Innominandum]

There's also the words: Insect, Bitches, and If in glitch.