Chapter 194: [Extra Nº 4]

[Alternate Ending]

The soul grew, more and more energy- Then it exploded, shattering the souls of the Endless One, Enychta, Luke, and Pruno felt the pain of having their soul torn apart each other, separated from one another, and thrown into the void, shattering into tiny pieces.

They weren't dead, their souls were scattered among the Omniverses, each composing a humanoid creature, Enychta's soul shards also would enter the body of a monster, Luke's soul would enter the body of the heroes and saint that would kill said monsters, and Pruno's soul would enter the body of random platns and trees, and even mythical creatures related to plants- No matter which body they embodied- They were missing something.


They needed someone to be beside them- Enychta's soul shards had a harder time, since he was so dependent on their connection so he would not be corrupted by the endless voices of his [Eldritch] Divinity, which corrupted his soul shards, in turn, making every single person, creature, or object that had his soul shards to have a terrible fate.

A small boy with his soul shard watched his family be devoured by monsters, fought every day harder and harder against his fate, ebcame a hero, only in the end to be betrayed by his most trusted person and killed.

A giant monster deep within the depths of the sea awoke when Enychta's soul shard entered it's body- Sending tremors through the sea, causing tsunamies and earthquakes, destroying everything.

Luke's soul shard enetered a little girl's body, blessing her with the ability to heal- But because he shared a deep connection with Enychta's soul, his soul shards both blessed and cursed their hosts. The little girl became a slave by the hands of the empire in which she grew, her abilities kept her alive and prevented her from killing herself, since her body would regenerate faster than she would die- She was abused both physically and mentally for years, until she broke and decided to bring this empire down with her.

Her light was corrupted by the emotions inside her soul, which in turn corrupted Luke's soul shard, causing that part of him endless pain for thousands of years, since the girl continued ot live forever. Her reign was ruthless, authoritarian and cruel, a true Dictator that spread her empire to countless stars, even reaching the level of going through multiple universes, becoming the most powerful empress. She lived without love in her heart.

Pruno's soul shards spread to most plants, the living and unliving- He had so many hosts, but his connection to Enychta and Luke corrupted his soul shards, making his hosts have a terrible fate just like Enychta's and Luke's hosts. A large tree in another world, it became sentient, alone and lonely, wishing for somone's company- The tree grew to the heavens, from it's fruits creatures were born, creatures that loved nature and loved their mother tree- Demons and other evil creatures destroyed the tree's children, making it suffer through endless pain as they cut them down.

That world fell in chaos- The demon king who destroyed the tree, killing it, was a demon with Enychta's soul shard, the soul shard cried in endless pain and misery as it felt the soul shard of his beloved dying before him, and the hero who killed the demon by sacrificing himself was a man with Luke's soul shard within his body, giving him the ability to conrtrol light, which he used to kill the Demon king and himself at the same time, he used the famous kamikaze attack.

In another world, Enychta's soul shard host was a lonely star in the middle of the endless void, the soul shard gave the star sentience and sapience, it desired to know, to gather knowledge of things, because it was curious about teh universe. The star also got the very basic ability of Telekinesis thanks to the [Eldritch] Divinity that not only corrupted the soul shard, it also spread to the star, corrupting it as well. The star was the only one in its universe because it was the first star to be ever born, soon the star watched as other stars were bron, without sentience or sapience.

The star slowly began to feel lonely, it used it's ability to control matter with it's mind and pulled other stars closer to it, and closer until the star consumed the other star- Growing in size and power. Not only did the star get the ability of Telekinesis, it also got the ability to grow stronger by eating things.

The star kept growing bigger, and bigger, and more and more powerful, until it onsumed entire galaxies, black holes, and even reality itself.

In the end, that Star colapsed inside out, exploding into a being of pure energy, that being became the first sentient Omniverse ever. That Omniverse went on to devour other Omniverses, trying to become stronger, but it couldn't live longer, since the soul shard within it's existence was whitering and dying, just like every single other Soul shard spread around the Omniverses.

They slowly tried to move, they tried to find their destiny, their beloveds, but they failed miserably- Their strenght absorbed by the souls of their hosts, their being slowly withering and dying in despair not knowing what happened to the other, feeling deep within their core that they were hurting and dying, feeling the need to be there for each other but being unable to do so.

Pain was their new reality- Pain was their new normal, suffering colonized them to their very core, to their very creation.

And that misery became their miserable existence.

That pain became their painful existence.

It was sad...

Thankfully, i would not let that happen once again.