The One Beyond Chapter 6.

Their talk were long and controversial and if the guard loyal to the emperors who to heard of this, Simon along with his relative would be executed.

It wasn't like they were the only ones.

The whole empire was feeling the affect of the incoming war looming over them.

the location of the empire is located in the middle of other foreign kingdoms who had a massive grudge against the empire.

the talk finally slowed down when drunkenness finally finally took over there mind.

the party was for Dale and Simon to relax for one day before he had to be relocated.

Thankfully the party wasn't just for the adults but also for the baby girl who they didn't know could understand them.

Umy Chuanchi acted like a clueless baby and it worked.

Her uncle loved her so much that he gave away most of his accumulated wealth to her via future weapons like blows, spears and swords.

And lastly was a slave.

A dark skinned slave imported from the west where the trading port was heavily protected.

The slave was a young girl, dark hair, brown orange cut eye's and the body of a skinny but tall girl, her neck and legs were strapped with a very thick iron collar.

the iron collar wasn't a normal color since it was enchanted with the power of a rule.

like an invincible chain this collar was a great potential for great cruelty, such as abuse, torture, or just unwilling control.

The slaved girl had a confused expression on her face along with fear and worry looming over her immature face.

"Boeshaka! Banka! Banka! sucanra? Owacanta>" The girl said some unknown languages which no one understood aside from Umy.

Umy was confused as to why she could also understand the language of a tribal girl from some unknown part of a continent. She could understand why she was able to understand Chinese and Korean, since she worked her ass off in her previous life to slave away without an ounce of rest.

"The girl is saying that he was forced here along with her little sister, and she is right now asking if anyone here can help her find her sister. I can't even speak right now because of this body, I feel extremely guilty." Umy wasn't keen on watching the poor girl suffer and wanted to help. Still, what could she even do? She wasn't familiar with the land and the world itself and most of all she had the body of a defenseless baby.

"Simon why did you get her a slave of all things and one we can't even communicate with?" Chanshi could not help but ask as she too could see the stress shown on the slave girl.

Simon listened to his sister before bring out his reason.

"Because, Little Umy needs a friend, and She will be the only one who can speak with her in her native language. Listen, sister. We of the Red tyrant aren't known for getting friends from the common people. We seek to get stronger and stronger, but sometimes its a bit lonely when no one can stand right next to un, instead of looking up at us. The slave girl is from aa warriors family and with the color on her, you can say its an assurance that she won't go wild, we also know from the long years in this planet that a child of her age is able to adjust to our common language and our culture. Please trust me, she won't be a problem since she will eventually understood the situation she is in."

Simon was right, but truth was, he saved the girl from a worst fate, he still regrated not being able to pay for the other girl, who he knew was related to the girl.

"The girl was going to be sold to a family of sadistic inbred ingrates. They torture or even disfigure whoever and what ever, so long as it were slaves." Simon capped his thoughts to himself since it was necessary.

Soon though a decision was made, where Chanshi agreed to Keep the slave girl.

With that decision came the next morning where Simon and his soldiers left.

"Did you have to force me to drink that much? My head is still spinning." Dale complained while he got on his horse.

"Blame my sister, She has a hard head for drinking, and I couldn't let you look weak in front of her."

Replied Simon who too was having a hang over.

The both looked in each others eye's before laughing in defeat.

Soon the group were gone.

"Sigh.... What do we do with her now?" Hoshuan had a tired and anxious look on his face, which showed that he didn't have a full night of sleep.

His gaze went toward the sleeping slave girl who fell unconcious from being moved to an unknown land, she was too worried for her younger sister, which capped her up for many days, till she finally crash.

The fate of the slave girl is now in the hands of the Chanshi, who was the master of her land and most of all her home.

"We need to hire a someone who can speak the tribe of the souths tongue." Chanshi replied.

"which meant I need to hire servant for this home." Chanshi did not look happy, and she wasn't keen on wasting her money on servants like maids, gardeners, or house keeper.

Those hires cost a lot of money along with management, which she wasn't keen on spending her time on.

But, as a mother now, Chanshi had to think of the better picture.

She sighed, before talking with Hoshuan.

A week later, With the money given from Simon Chanshi spent it on worker who were contracted to work with her for 5 years, till there contract ended.

"Why is it that that girl is looking toward our daughter." Chanshi ask her female servant name Layla, Layla works in service as a young nanny at the age of her twenty's.

"Should I go and punish her, Madam?" Layla ask.

Chanshi shook her head.

"No, I'm curious if what my brother said is true." Chanshi stated,

"Oh is that so? I apologized."

Layla bowed.

21 days later, The slave girl who looked the most unusual out of all the servants had depressingly given up on the idea that she would ever see her sister again.

"Look! The young lady has grown teeth at the bottom of her teeth."

One of the female servants hurriedly walked to Chanshi who was she turn to look immediately when she heard the amazing news.

"Give her me hurry.' Chanshi hastened.

The news that her baby girl was able to grow a set of baby teeth at the bottom of her mouth meant she was ready to eat something solid.