The One Beyond chapter 10

Now sitting around a table meant for adults, Umy's was to small, and only the top of her head was shown.

"Sorry, I forgot this chair was meant for adults." Mr. Bolo got off his chair to grab more wood to add to the height of the chair.

Though the chairs wasn't comfortable because of the rough added height Umy show no sign of it either on her face or thoughts.

Mr. Bolo's took in a deep breath before he started to recall his story before meeting Mordin.

"20 years ago, when I was 13 years old I was working for my father Dev, I never grew up with a mother, but I never truly hated my old man. He was strong and I also hoped I could follow in the foot step he laid for me. Still we both were common people, not like those super humans such as cultivators who reach there goal of escaping death by adding more and more years to there life: Bolo had to take a deep in a deep breath before he calmed himself recalling his old man. "Day by day he was getting older and the strength he had at the peak of his youth slowly dwindled till he was skinnier and weaker. He would sometimes tell me his legs were in constant pain when he was at the age of his 50's and soon he drinked more then usual, saying "This was the only thing that could help relieved the pain." I believed him and well..... He later couldn't walk anymore as his legs stopped working and not just all, his very heart stopped beating, "hell" that was when I woke up to check up on him. Said to say I went to get the doctors but they told me that his heart failed him and there was nothing they could do to revive the dead. I started living along when I was 19 years and save to say it was very lonely without someone to nag or yell at me for doing something stupid, day after day I worked harder and I was able to find a woman who wasn't scared to yell at me and sometimes would be clumsy in how she would so things. 2 years later she was beginning to show signs of giving birth to my daughter Who we both would later name Vasline, I worked harder to give my wife the care she needed since if a mother had no fat on her body, both the wife and daughter would die. To me they were my everything and my hope and hopefully giving my child a better future. Still an unfortunate event had accrued, Where Vasline would cry for days on end with no end in sight. I as a worried father should be, searched all over town for a physician who was known or even favored. But I later found out that they too didn't know what was going on. My leg felt tired and worn as I ran around till my knees felt as if they were ready to pop, What made it worst was the heavy rain pouring down endlessly as if a bad premonition was ready to start fate. Then he showed up, or he tumbled next to the left side of me before he scraped his head on the concrete foundations. I looked in disbelief as a man who's hair was didn't rapidly fell was staring at me, his eye's gentle and asking for help. But out of nowhere he took a look at my daughter was was now coughing and screaming in pain. "I am a Physician, I could help that thing." he said out of nowhere as his forehead was beginning to drip blood. Soon Though, I pulled him up before he pulled out a towel with a comedic smile to his face. I later followed him to his house which had less ingredients compared to other rich physicians. Still he introduced himself as Mordin an apprentice Healer. He told me that my daughter had a hard lump of poop which she wasn't able to excrete out of her body, which was the reason why she wasn't able to relax. He would later explain to me that this wasn't rare but very common in newborn who were given dried food or were holding in there waste subconsciously. and almost like magic he made my daughter drink on spoonful of liquid medicine before he used his finger to press on her belly, then it came out! the hard lump of poop along with a long soft texture of poop. When ever I this story to my daughter she would react in the most flustered way possible." Mr. Bolo Laughed his ass off before slamming the table with his armored hand.

Both Edith and Umy didn't know that the story would end in such a comedic way but Mordin was already asleep on his chair.

Umy couldn't hold back anymore as she giggled before laughing along with Mr. Bolo while Edith wasn't sure it was funny to make fun of a baby's poop.

Soon though, The sun was going down and Mr. Bolo couldn't finish the story, unless he wanted to get kicked from his job.

"Sorry kids, I have to go report to my head officer for the day and go back to my wife and daughter." Mr. Bolo left with a smile on his face along with a cheerful mood.

Umy and Edith also left since it was time for them to go home.

"The young miss has returned." A young guard who was tasked with looking about for anything strange reported.

"Sir, You were right, her eye's are literally glowing red." The man talked to an older man on his right."

"she's a gifted child who developed her own meridian chi core at an age not even reaching a year old." The man explained.

"What? Isn't that like impossible?" The new guard exclaimed.

"No, since thousands of years our empire with its higher population have had such talent like her. In fact she is a miracle, if any child was in the process of Chi development they would die."

"What do you mean by that?"

"They will either become demon baby's who's body becomes a vasal of the underworld if not prevented with a nearby person who can manipulate chi or they would die by there body exploding into blood and muscle along with bones."

"That sound horrifying! would it happen to my future kids?" The new guard was now scared, the thought that his kids would become and example would break his heart.

"Luckily no, only those of noble blood who follow a path will have talented baby's, and there are cases where noble bloods can live as commoners and later show there talents but its even more rare since there chances of meeting a master or a teacher is as luck driven as a feather falling on you open palm."