I Like You

Shuang Yun said leisurely, "Yes, Ya Qiu is the child of the leader of the Black Water Wolf Tribe. He's also my cousin. He brought the witch doctor of the Black Water Wolf Tribe over to discuss business with me. When Li Wei found out about this, she shamelessly wanted to follow. I was so annoyed when I saw her!"

So, that strangely dressed middle-aged male was the witch doctor of the Black Water Wolf Tribe!

Lin Huanhuan was not interested in Li Wei.

She was only a little curious about the business he mentioned.

"What kind of business is it?" She paused, then added. "If it's not convenient to talk about, then forget I asked."

"There's nothing I can't say. They want to sell me some kind of water."

"Water?" Lin Huanhuan looked puzzled. "Isn't there a water source nearby? Why did they specially come to sell water to you?"