She Couldn't Live Without Them!

Lin Huanhuan carried out all the food in the cellar and distributed it to the other beasts in the tribe in case they went hungry.

Every beast who took the food from her was filled with gratitude.

The gloom caused by the deaths of their people gradually dissipated.

As long as they were alive, there was hope.

Lin Huanhuan did not know about the psychological changes in the beasts. She could only feel that everyone's spirits seemed to have improved a little and they were no longer as depressed as before.

Her mood lightened considerably.

While cleaning up the cellar, Lin Huanhuan found some sweet fruit pits in the corner.

She had dug the pits out of the sweet fruits when she made the jam before this. She didn't know what use they had, but she found it a pity to throw them away. Hence, she piled them in a corner of the cellar.

She counted, and there were about a hundred pits.