It's Good To Be Fat

Lin Huanhuan did not know that the vegetables she planted had caused a bloodbath.

She spent the night with Bai Di and Shuang Yun in a cave near the Black River. She planned to go to the Black River the next morning to trade for something and before returning to the rock mountain together.

Lin Huanhuan woke up from her sleep.

Bai Di brought a vegetable soup to her. The rich fragrance made her appetite increase, and she quickly finished the entire bowl.

She rubbed her stomach. "Why do I feel like I'm eating more and more lately?"

Looking at her fair and soft stomach, Bai Di couldn't help but reach out and touch it. He smiled and said, "I heard that females have a bigger appetite after they get pregnant. That's normal."

"Then won't I become very fat?"

Bai Di pulled her into his arms. "It's good to be fat. You'll look cuter."

Lin Huanhuan took the opportunity to touch his chest and abs. "But I prefer your and Shuang Yun's figures."