
Huanhuan temporarily put aside the development of Forgetting Water.

She wanted the females to get along with the males as fairly as possible, but she didn't want to be the cause of females getting into trouble.

But to her surprise, under her influence, the mates in the tribe quietly changed.

In the past, females would always rely on their dominance in their mate relationships and completely disregard their male beasts. Some excessive females, like Shuang Yun's mother, would even abuse their male beasts and take them as slaves.

But now that there was a way to undo the mate bond, it meant that the bond was greatly reduced.

The females felt a sense of crisis. They did not want to leave their male mates. They restrained their tempers and became much gentler to their male beast mates.

This made the male beasts feel flattered. They were even more protective of their females.