
Ever since Huanhuan started teaching, she often heard the cubs call her 'Teacher'. It was not only in class but also when they saw her.

After hearing it many times, the big-tailed wolf at home also approached Huanhuan and called out, "Teacher, Teacher Huanhuan~"

He deliberately leaned close to her ear. His voice was low and deep, revealing inexplicable ambiguity.

Huanhuan's scalp went numb from his cries as she quickly dodged him. "Can't you be more serious?!"

Shuang Yun hugged her waist and rubbed against her. "Teacher, can I sleep with you tonight?"

"No, I want to sleep alone tonight." Huanhuan coldly refused his request.

Bai Di, Shuang Yun, and Sang Ye took turns sleeping with her every night, but these three guys would never settle down and sleep under the blanket. They would always cause trouble and pounce on her.