The Dignity Of A Male Beast

Knowing that Huanhuan and the others were here for the hot spring, the pangolin said, "There's indeed a hot spring deep in the cave. It has a strange smell. That should be the hot spring you mentioned."

Huanhuan was happy. "Can we go there to play?"

"Of course." The pangolin was always gentle and tolerant when facing her, like a doting elder. "I'll take you there."

They walked deeper into the cave. Along the way, there were black crystals on both sides.

Huanhuan couldn't help but touch them. There were so many black crystals. If she sold them, she would definitely make a lot of money!

No wonder Ma Qing had brought his guards all the way here to mine.

Huanhuan asked, "Mr. Chang Gu, did Dark Moon City send anyone here after we left?"