
These five beasts were not as strong as Sang Ye, but they won in numbers and cooperated well.

After a few rounds, Sang Ye gradually fell to a disadvantage. There were a few more wounds on his body.

Huanhuan squatted on the tree and watched anxiously.

She took out her bow and aimed the arrow at one of the beasts.

When the beast extended its claws at Sang Ye again, Huanhuan suddenly released her fingers. The arrow shot out and hit the beast's claws!

The beast screamed in pain.

It tore the arrow off so hard that the barb on the arrowhead pulled out a large chunk of flesh. It almost made it kneel down in pain.

The temperature was extremely low, and the wound was quickly frozen.

The beast threw away the arrow and pounced at Huanhuan crazily, intending to take revenge for shooting the arrow at it just now!

Huanhuan quickly nocked another arrow and shot a second arrow at the charging beast!