It'll Get Better!

When Sang Ye came downstairs, he saw Huanhuan placing a large bowl of steaming hot medicine in front of him.

She smiled and said, "The improved version of the soup I made will definitely work!"

Sang Ye drank the entire bowl of medicine without changing his expression.

In any case, he couldn't taste anything. Drinking medicine was like drinking water to him.

Bai Di came out of the kitchen. "Where's the deer penis I just put on the stove?" he asked. "Did any of you see it?"

Huanhuan immediately raised her hand. "I took it."

"Why did you take the deer penis away? It's not delicious."

Huanhuan looked at the empty bowl in Sang Ye's hand, her gaze becoming a little erratic. "I stewed something with it."

Bai Di followed her gaze to the bowl in Sang Ye's hand, and his expression turned subtle.

Sang Ye put down the empty bowl expressionlessly. "I'll go down the mountain to hunt."