Kiss Me

Xue Hui spread her wings and chased after Xue Ling.

She had to see how beautiful his mate was!

Xue Ling burrowed into the rock mountain and disappeared into the dense creeper vines.

Xue Hui immediately gave chase.

The creeper vines that were quiet just now suddenly extended their vines and pounced at Xue Hui!

Xue Hui did not expect these creepers to be able to move. As she was caught off guard, the vines were wrapped around her ankles.

She quickly regained her composure, cut the vines with her claws, and quickly retreated.

When she retreated from the attacking range of the creeper vines, they reluctantly retracted their vines and continued to stay quietly on the mountain. They looked very honest and harmless.

Xue Mei looked at these creepers and tried to communicate with them in the language unique to the Divine Wood clan.

In the end, the other party only replied, "No outsiders allowed."