
Huanhuan slept until dawn.

She opened her eyes and realized that she was lying in Sang Ye's arms. She asked in surprise, "Why is it you? Where's Bai Di?"

Sang Ye sat up. "Something happened last night. Bai Di went out. He asked me to take care of you."


Sang Ye brought her a coat to put on.

Huanhuan quickly said, "I can wear it myself."

Sang Ye said, "I like the feeling of taking care of you myself."


Huanhuan obediently raised her hand and let him dress her up and comb her hair like a doll.

After breakfast, Shuang Yun went down the mountain to hunt as usual. This time, not only did the wolf cubs go, but even Bai Di went with him.

Xue Ling had also gone to the territory of the feather tribe.

Only Huanhuan, Sang Ye, and Ni Ya were left in the house.

Ni Ya just needed bamboo to eat. He didn't care about anything else.