Nothing But Illusions

Huanhuan slowly put down the bone knife that was covered in blood. She applied fragrant and crispy fruits to the wound, then wrapped the cloth around her neck.

She asked, "How long will my pain be blocked?"

The system said, "Don't worry, it'll last until you recover."

"That's good." Huanhuan heaved a sigh of relief.

She wiped the bone knife clean and stuffed it into the space along with the blood-stained hide.

Xue Hui walked in with the food and frowned as soon as she entered. "Why does this house smell like blood?"

Huanhuan said slowly, "I accidentally fell and hurt my neck. I bled a little."

When she saw the thick cotton around her neck, her frown deepened. "How could you be so careless? Are you seriously injured? Show me."

Huanhuan quickly waved her hand. "It's okay. The bleeding has stopped, and it doesn't hurt much. It's not as serious as you think."