Daddy, Love Me Again!

Huanhuan spent the entire night in a dream that kept repeating.

She didn't get out of the dream until dawn.

Huanhuan slowly opened her eyes and saw Bai Di sleeping beside her. His long white hair was scattered on the bed, and his handsome face was warm in the morning light.

She heaved a long sigh of relief. She was finally awake!

Bai Di quickly sensed that the little female in his arms was awake. He opened his eyes and lowered his head to kiss her forehead. "Good morning."

His voice was still hoarse from waking up, making him sound very sexy.

Huanhuan looked up and kissed his chin. "You still look so handsome today!"

Resigned by her praise, Bai Di stroked her head. "Sleep a little longer. I'll prepare breakfast."

She propped one hand on the side of her face as he got dressed.

He was in good shape with broad shoulders, a narrow waist, and long legs. Bathed in the morning sun, he was very beautiful and seductive.