Deadly Moonlight Mushrooms

The white tiger tried to step on it. "There's a mud pool below. The thickness of the ice is limited. Only one beast can walk at a time. If there are too many of us, the ice will easily shatter."

The Silvery Frost White Wolf was still at the front, freezing the swamps one by one.

The white tiger followed behind and instructed the wolf beasts to step across the ice layer one after another.

Seeing this, Xue Ling, who was flying in the sky, couldn't help but chuckle. "They sure know how to think of a solution."

Huanhuan was smug. "Bai Di and Shuang Yun are very smart!"

Unknowingly, the wolf beasts had walked to the center of the swamp.

The white tiger acutely smelled something fishy.

He immediately raised his head and roared, "There's an enemy. Be careful!"

As soon as his voice fell, more than 20 snake beasts rushed out of the pool beside the swamp!