I Have To Find Her!

The hyenas were quite powerful, but Huanhuan was stronger.

After a few rounds, these hyenas were all beaten to the ground and couldn't move.

Huanhuan turned around to look at the four beast soldiers and realized that three of them had died on the spot because of their injuries. Only one beast soldier was still alive.

However, he was not in a good state either. He was bleeding from several wounds and was unconscious.

Huanhuan immediately picked him up and found a stream nearby.

The beast soldier was placed onto the grass by Huanhuan. She helped him clean his wounds and went to the nearby forest to pick some crispy fruits. After chewing them, she applied them to the wounds and bandaged them with long strips of animal hide.

This beast soldier had a good physique and woke up not long after.

He struggled to his feet. "I want to go back!"

Huanhuan quickly asked, "Where are you going?"