I'll Fight Him!

The black dragon flew in the direction indicated by the black crystal pendant for nearly 10 days before finally seeing the legendary Dragon Island.

Dragon Island floated on the sea, surrounded by a storm. It was a natural barrier to prevent outsiders from entering.

This storm barrier was useless against the dragons. The black dragon carried Huanhuan and easily passed through the storm before landing on Dragon Island.

The island was filled with birds and flowers. The trees were filled with fruits. It was like a secluded paradise, quiet and beautiful.

The black dragon woke Huanhuan.

Huanhuan opened her eyes with difficulty. She raised her head and looked around. So this was Dragon Island.

The black dragon asked, "Is this our home?"

"Yes, we're home." Huanhuan struggled to sit up, but when she moved, the wound on her back would tear open again. She gritted her teeth in pain. "It hurts!"