Don't Be Afraid, We'll Protect You

Xing Chen's sudden appearance was like a stone being thrown into the water.

When the aftershock dissipated, the water was calm again.

Everything was back to normal.

But no one knew about the undercurrent…

At night, Huanhuan tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. Her mind was filled with Xing Chen's gaze before he left and his silent warning.

She threw back the covers and sat up.

Shuang Yun, who was beside her, immediately woke up. He reached out and hugged her waist. His voice was hoarse from just waking up. "What's wrong?"

Huanhuan said as she put on her clothes, "Go ahead and sleep. I'm going to relieve myself."

However, Shuang Yun got out of bed with her.

He was worried about her leaving the room alone.

Huanhuan walked in front and reached out to open the door, only to find a tall figure standing outside. Caught off guard, she took two steps back. "Who is it?"

The person replied, "It's me."