The Worst Outcome

Not long after Huanhuan left, Bai Di left the cave too.

He arrived at Jin Nan's residence.

Jin Nan seemed to have expected him and had already prepared fruits and dew.

"Come and sit down. We haven't had guests in our valley in a long time. I don't have anything good here except these fruits."

There were no tables or chairs in the cave. Bai Di lifted his clothes and sat on the ground.

"Sorry to disturb you."

He didn't touch the fruits in front of him. He just picked up the wooden cup and took a sip of dew.

The cup was made from hollowed-out wood. This wood had a fruity fragrance. The dew it contained also smelled sweet.

Bai Di put down his cup. "To be honest, I came to ask you something."

Jin Nan said kindly, "Go ahead."

Bai Di looked into his eyes and said word by word, "I want to know if Huanhuan will become like Yin Ji after inheriting the position of prophet."