Soft Heart

The little snake was very agile. He twisted twice, and in the blink of an eye, he wrapped himself tightly around Sang Ye's wrist.

He opened his mouth, revealing his fangs. He wanted to bite again.

Sang Ye grabbed his throat.

The weak spot of a snake was its throat.

No matter how hard Clement twisted and struggled, he could not bite Sang Ye again.

Clement flicked out his snake tongue and hissed angrily.

'Let go of me, you unappetizing dish!'

Sang Ye ignored the little black snake in his hand and turned to look at Huanhuan. "Does he usually bite you?"

The way the father and son interacted exceeded Huanhuan's expectations.

She had thought that their first meeting would be warm and touching. Unexpectedly, not only were these two not touched, but they even fought!

Faced with Sang Ye's question, Huanhuan quickly shook her head. "No, no! He's very obedient."

Hearing this, Sang Ye loosened his fingers slightly.