Have A Chat

In the dead of night, the second elder was sleeping soundly when a large hand suddenly reached out to cover his mouth and nose.

The second elder started struggling!

He struggled out of bed and rolled to the ground.

But before he could get up, he was knocked unconscious from behind.

When he woke up, he found himself tied to a stone pillar.

The five people standing in front of him were Lin Huanhuan and her four mates.

Huanhuan looked at Bai Di beside her. "Is this what you meant by 'talking'?"

Bai Di was very calm. "If we tie him up, we can talk to him however we want."

Huanhuan: "…"

She didn't expect him to be so scheming!

The second elder was so angry that he wanted to curse, but his mouth was blocked by the hay. He couldn't speak and could only whimper.

Huanhuan could understand him.