
Poor Clement had been led away by his biological father before he could react.

For this, he was so angry that he lost his temper on the way and tried to escape back to Rock City.

Although this child was strong, in terms of intelligence and schemes, he was definitely inferior to Sang Ye, who had lived for many years.

His several escape attempts ended in failure.

The father and son fought with each other on the way to the demons. Every day was extremely lively.

The originally vibrant family was now only left with Bai Di, Xue Ling, and Eggy.

The family of four stayed in the 10,000 Beast Temple. Fortunately, Eggy was lively and active. She chattered every day, so the 10,000 Beast Temple was still quite lively and did not become especially deserted.

Huanhuan looked at her cute daughter, and the sadness in her heart faded a little.