You're Too Cruel

Huanhuan was sent back to her original room.

The room was still the same as before she left. The blanket was not even folded. It was still on the bed, in a mess.

Eggy was not in the room. She was locked up somewhere.

Huanhuan walked out, but the Soul-Devouring Vine wrapped around her ankle and prevented her from continuing.

She turned to Xing Chen, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed. She frowned and said, "I want to see Eggy. Let go of me!"

"Eggy is fine now. As long as you behave, she'll be fine."

Huanhuan heard the threat in his words.

She was furious, but she couldn't flare up because of Eggy's safety. She could only glare at him angrily. "Why did you collude with He Zong to murder me? What did he give you?"

Xing Chen said slowly, "He wants to destroy the temple. I want you. It's just a mutual benefit."

"Aren't you afraid I'll stab you again?"