I Want Your Life

Huanhuan said slowly and softly, "He's sleeping. He has to sleep for a long, long time before he wakes up."

Eggy found it very strange. Why was he sleeping in broad daylight?

However, she did not ask further. In any case, it was none of her business.

The altar was quickly built.

At the same time, Jian Yi had awakened. Seeing that Huanhuan was safe and sound and knowing that He Zong had self-destructed, he felt relieved.

The altar was set up in the square at the foot of the divine mountain.

Due to time constraints, the altar was very simple. The stones were pieced together to form a round platform, and there was a stone pillar in the middle. The surface of the pillar was very smooth with nothing on it.

Huanhuan summoned the butterfly flowers.

The butterfly flowers gathered together and worked together to lift her into the air.