Side Story Three

After returning, she thought for a long time but could not think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

In the end, she could only turn to the almighty Daddy System.

"Little Brat, what do you think I should do?"

Little Brat replied very firmly, "If it were me, I definitely wouldn't resurrect the demon king!"

"But he saved me, and he lost his life for me."

"So what? He's a demon king who kills without batting an eyelid. What if he kills the innocent in the future? Can you bear the responsibility?!"

Huanhuan couldn't answer.

Logic told her that Little Brat was right.

But emotionally, she could not make such a cold and decisive choice.

Seeing that she was in a dilemma, Little Brat slowly added, "If you really want to make it up to him, then resurrect him."

"But what if he kills innocent people?"