Document no.7

The Jakarta Post

Issue 11

May 8, 1901


" Anda makhluk mengerikan! Jelek! Jelek!"

"Menjijikkan! Menjijikkan!!"

One lady in a hidden market known as the Requiem spoke out against the harsh reality for those in the dhatin Blight species: " Kami Blights telah diperlakukan dengan menyedihkan. Jenglots, yang memiliki semua kekayaan, kekuatan, dan keindahan untuk menyembunyikan kebrukan mereka, telah mengingkatkan hierarki."

In other words, the dhatin species of Blights are getting harsh treatment by both humans and other species of dhatin. According to Mrs. Debrah Mullins, a French lady living overseas in Bali, Indonesia, after conducting a survey to the dhatin population, she concluded that the Blights were the dhatins with among the poorer sectors of the so-called "hierarchy" and because of their levels of inhuman features that come along with their sickly pale skin and sunken-black holes for eyes, they were known as the true monsters among the dhatins.

It is said that in Semarang, Indonesia, that the ever-increasing dhatin populations growing within their society are due to the refusal of Blights to use modern birth-control methods and sexual education.

In contrast to appearance, the Jenglots appear to be as inhumanely beautiful and smart, many Jenglots are successful businessmen and florists, and are said to possess violet eyes and kindness beyond no other.

But for the Blights, they were below that: they were monsters, savages. Some people in the Bali's capital of Denpasar observe these creatures flock by fifteen or so "packs" and come at midnight to lick the hands of people in their sleep. And, according to Ms. Diah Wardhana, a native of the area, she says that these creatures would lick off a hand of a human, and then the next morning, your hand would fall off from your wrist. Some legend has it that if you put salt on your hand, the Jenglots will die off, but because many have experienced such disoriented pain from their hand falling off, they would try to bring their hand to a surgeon to put it back together. However, even if you manage to do this, the saliva from the Blight's purple tongue has already touched your hand.... So, those who do this will eventually become a dhatin called Blight.

So, waspadalah! (BEWARE!!)

The Jakarta Post.

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