11// Friends?

~ Amity's POV, continuation~


The sound that is produced from the small handgun in my hand fires off fast, its obnoxious rumble shocking me. Henrik said that a single shot from the poison infused in this gun can annihilate even the most powerful dhatin of Vampire. Could he really be right?

Aghast from the sudden blow at the back of her head, Violet stumbles, and falls. Yes! It's working. Then all I have to is-

All of a sudden, my thoughts are stopped by a hard metal object that slams the back of my head. Dizzy from the pain, I try to make out what- or who- did such a thing to me. Limping across the blood-ridden floors, I try to reach out to retrieve my handgun in vain, but then I see Violet's alligator skin-heeled boot crush it in one go.

She touches the back of her head, and I see that her wound has already started to heal, becoming a purplish-looking bruise. Though she's just been knocked out, she's still alive: and I know:

I'm absolutely dead meat.

" Just who do you think you are, you bitch!" She spat, as she slaps my right cheek hard. This sends me flying across the room, for her single slap is powerful and the wrath of her anger is only at its beginning. For a dhatin of Vampire's strength is as robust as it is praised, and a measly human turned dhatin of Blight like me couldn't best the likes of Violet Darc herself.

But even after my sudden, obliterating defeat, I don't give up my cause for fighting her, and I cry out, " I r-refuse to STOP fighting you until you s-stop hurting him! What did he do to you? Do you really think that just because you're higher up the social hierarchy that you can treat those below you like filth? You're the one who's the bitch!"

" W-what did YOU just say?!" She fires back, her eyes glowing bright red, trying to imitate fear.

I can sense it within me that she won't back down without a fight, and I'm about fifty percent correct on that part. Because, right then and there, she says with a sneer, " Oh? I didn't know that you know my boyfriend here, little girl?" She's mocking me with her words, and right in front of me, she grabs Kersen by the collar and plants a kiss on his wounded cheek. He tries to look away from her, but she grabs tight onto him, looking more like she's trying to seduce him rather than tear him apart, about to rip open his flesh to her liking.

" Lele... I-I" Kersen begins to say, but then Violet shuts him up with a kiss.

" Shh, my dear. Let me feast," She says, and once she's done, she walks over to where I lay on the other side of the room, my body still crushed by the brick walls that Violet had ripped open a hole in the walls.

When I'm about to rise from where I lay, she grabs me by the hair, aggressively saying, " See? What did I tell you, little girl? You-"

She begins to say, but as I cough out the blood, I interrupt saying, " First of all, I'm not a 'little' girl like you think of me as. I'm practically the same age as you, Violet. And, second of all, do you seriously think that you can fool me like that? He clearly doesn't feel the same way you do."

" Shut it." She whispers, tears running from her eyes.

She turns to Kersen, and begs him, " do you hear her, Kersen? J-just w-who does she think she is, spitting those words out like that-"

" She's right you know, Lele..." He mumbles under his breath, too quiet for her to hear, but I hear him, almost too clearly.

" What did you say?" She asks him, and I see that amidst of her rage and tormenting me, her knees go weak, and she's crying. Oh? So little miss drama queen really does have a heart?

Seeing that this is the perfect time to get the hell out of here, I tiptoe slowly away from them, but then, Kersen grabs me and presses his lips onto mine. He tastes of blood and mint leaves, probably from-

" What the hell?!" I scream as I try to break free from his grasp. No, no, no! This can't be happening. What the hell... Is going on?

Upon seeing my baffled expression across my face, Kersen whispers in my ear, " please, just play along, will you?" His voice is smooth, and his breath lingers on his every word, as I just stare at him, in utter confusion.

Immediately, Violet, rampaging in both betrayal and anger, flings a shard of glass from a mirror that has broken off from sending me flying, towards my way. However, Kersen pushes me away from it, thus causing me to dodge it.

" You good for nothing son of a-" Violet wails, as she tries to attack me, and Kersen shielding me from her advances, responds with a sly smile, " Now, now. Did you really think that I'd be in love with someone as selfish as you? Using me to acquire your food, lusting after my body like I was more of a mealtime snack than a-"

And that's when Violet sinks her teeth into my arm, the blood seeping through my skin.

" ARGHHH!" I wail in pain, as she continues to feast on my arm, eating at my flesh. But though Kersen has been trying with all his might to release me from her grasp, tugging her away from me, she won't budge, refusing to let go of me; until all the blood within me is sucked out of my body, like a wimpy cushion.

" Lele! Stop this, at once!"

" No!" She cries out, and I see her tears glistening in the moonlight. If she hadn't attacked me like that, I would've pitied her, felt her pain at most. But, now isn't the time to be feeling sorry for some Vampire girl who's trying to kill me.

And, before Kersen can even have the chance to respond, the sound of the mahogany doors of the room, creak open.


Shortly after Count Darc found out about what happened to his daughter because of me, he confined me to the dungeons below the moat of the Victorian castle-like house and told me that I would have no meals for six days, until I'd be fully aware for my actions.

I'm surprised actually. Though I'm stuck in this dusty old cell for almost a week, (geez, how is six days of no food better than a week of no food?) at the very least, I'm thankful that I didn't receive a beating like I would've.


Plus, the Count also ordered the servants to bandage my wounds, and give me a cup of water every three hours.

" I wonder... How he's doing?" I say to myself, as I lay on the mattress that I'll have to call a bed for a couple of days.

His taste, sweet and salty.

His smell, sweet like licorice.

And his killer eyes, but soft gaze.

" Why? Why am I thin-" I start to say, and that's when I see a small letter, that is tossed into the slot of my cell doors:

Curious, I open the envelope and see that It's addressed to... Me?

To: Strange-girl (a.k.a you)

From: Pest (a.k.a Kersen Lioek)

Strange girl,

I'm really sorry about what happened.

No, actually, that's not the right way of starting out this letter...

What I mean to say, is that I know you may not remember me from two years ago, and I really hope you didn't remember. Because, here's the thing... I was merely a mixture of curious and selfish as to steal your human heart that night. And, also, I'm really sorry for trying to kill you that day, and I know you hate me... But I just want you to know that I really appreciate you for standing up for me the other day.

I hope I get to know more of you, strange girl... Since you are the first ex-human to ever treat me with kindness, and I hope I can pay you back somehow. Since we're friends, do you want me to treat you somewhere special tomorrow?

Let's run away from this place together.

Join me, Amity.

From your former enemy,


" F-friends? There's... N-no-" I start to say to myself, clearly confused and doubtful of his kind actions. Could it be?


Does he really think of me as a... Friend?