
Crown Prince Arin and Iria just walked out of the dining room when Antony came and informed the Crown Prince that General Hanson Lorin was here. In no time, Hanson Lorin was making his way towards them.

"It's unlikely of you to come so early, Hanson," the Crown Prince quickly said to his friend.

Hanson halted and slightly bowed before the Crown Prince and Crown Princess. "It's a sort of emergency, Your Highness. It seems like we have to make some new arrangements for the annual tournament," he informed Arin Helev.

"New arrangements? We already finalized everything yesterday," Arin said and asked, "What happened?"

"Klaus is injured. Last night, he return to the camp with an arrow shot wound. It seems to be pretty serious and I'm afraid that he can't participate in this year's tournament."

The news which General Hanson delivered instantly triggered Iria's curiosity. Klaus Ermias returned to the camp? With that heavy injury?!