What Has Gotten Into You?

"You don't look fine, Arin."

It was morning and Hanson Lorin was observing his friend who seemed to be quite tired. Though he knew that they were very busy these days due to the preparation for the annual tournament, it's unlikely of the Crown Prince to appear this way.

Didn't he sleep well last night?

"I'm fine. Everything's going well with the participants from our Royal Army, right?" Arin Helev asked.

"Yes, I think we will be able to do even better than last year," Hanson replied and observed his friend once again. "Are you sure that you're fine?"

Crown Prince Arin recalled how he completely lost his sleep last night. However, he ended up chatting almost the whole night with Iria and he learned many things about her which he never knew before. So, he thought that it was worth it. Thinking of this, there was a subtle smile on his face much to Hanson's surprise.

"Arin, what has gotten into you?" the General asked, dumbfounded.