He Might Even Want Me Dead

When Iria Alewine regained her consciousness, she finds herself lying on the ground. She thought about it and the last thing she remembered was jumping off the cliff with... Prince Orius?

Where was he?

The Commander tried her best to push herself up despite the stinging pain she felt throughout her body. When she glanced around, she saw the second Prince lying on the right a few steps away from her. Then she walked to him with much difficulty.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!" She shook the second Prince, trying to wake him up. She observed him but she didn't notice any severe wounds in his body. However, there was a small injury on his forehead and it was covered with blood.

After a few more attempts, the Prince finally opened his eyes, slowly. Feeling dizzy, he blinked again and again. Then he pushed himself up and glanced around. However, his movement worsened the pain in his head. He holds his head and ended up groaning.