You Should Wait For Me

King Tobias observed the young Commander standing in front of him. When he noticed the rage beneath his seemingly calm facade, he took a few steps towards him.

"Are you doing this on purpose, Commander Nico? You should know that I came all the way here to meet you," he said to Nico Petrus in a much calmer voice.

Hearing the Jerivian King's words, the Commander's face turned sour. His playful and menacing act just a while ago was completely gone. "How can you do this to me, Your Majesty?"

He walked towards the King and halted when he was just a step away. Clenching his fist, he glanced at King Tobias with fiery red eyes!

"How can you keep me in the dark when that thing happened?!"

Though the Commander from a rival kingdom was yelling at him and bravely meeting his gaze with hatred, King Tobias only stood still and glanced at the young man. He was too far from being offended! Then he spoke up again.

"Calm down, Nico. I know how you feel but -"