I Won't Stop Doing My Duty

Iria Alewine just finished explaining the underground path that she discovered in the afternoon. Amazement was written all over the faces of Rion and Jolene when they heard her out.

Such a path really existed in the Celia Forest? 

It was such a relief for them because if the Helsians find it out first, invading them would be a piece of cake!

Even the Second Prince who rarely showed an emotion seemed to be taken aback by the revelation. All the time, his gaze was fixated on the part of the map where the Commander discovered the underground path.

"I have a plan in mind."

They were all snapped out of their stupor when they heard Commander Iria. Then all attention was shifted back to her.

"We can fool the King of Helsia," Iria Alewine started. "If Jolene disguised as me, the Helsians will think that they are fighting me. They won't even have doubt as they had never seen my face."