Make You Pay

When Commander Iria reached the palace grounds, she noticed that King Tobias along with Crown Prince Emor and some officials were already set to leave. She quickly rode her horse towards the King and then bowed her head.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. I hope I'm not too late." Her heavy head crossed her mind but she was not a fool to talk about it. It will seem like she was complaining about being told to participate in the hunting.

"You reach here on time, Commander Iria," King Tobias promptly said to her with a little smile. "Crown Prince Emor wish for you to participate. I hope you won't be too upset about joining us."

"I dare not," the Commander replied in a formal tone, slightly lowering her head. Then she sensed how Emor Tripas rode his horse towards them.

"We meet again, Commander Iria. I'm glad that you accept my humble request."

He was too ahead of himself. She was simply complying with the King's order, not his request.