Uncertainty Scares Me

"Are you really okay with going to Nardodia? I thought you're not pleased to see Crown Prince Emor."

Iria Alewine briefly shifted her gaze to the Nardodian Crown Prince who was practicing archery a few steps away. Then she looked at her best friend who was sitting beside her in the vast training ground of the royal palace.

"I can't let you go alone," she replied. "I don't trust King Aryan."

"I understand how you think," Zaro Aventine said to her. "However, once we enter Nardodia, that means we will be in the territory of King Aryan and also Crown Prince Emor. Will you be okay with that?"

The Commander nodded without thinking much. She had already made up her mind and she had no intention to change. "Don't worry too much, Zaro. I will have your back and you can do the same for me."

"It's your turn, Crown Prince Zaro."