I Wish You A Better Life

"You just stood still and let him beat you?"

Emor Tripas stared at the Commander, trying to figure out if she was serious. When it seemed to be that way, he said, "You and I have very different upbringing, Commander Iria. You won't understand me just like I don't understand you.

"In my uncle's case, I owe a lot to him. Though I never have a strong desire to live, he went through a lot just to take me out from the palace and keep me safe when Nardodia was defeated. He had a better choice and that is to leave me to die along with my father, mother and older brother.

"I was only 14 back then. What's more, I was still weak at that time as I never got the chance to learn any skills. However, he risked his life to keep me safe and taught me almost everything."

"He used you," Iria Alewine argued.