Serious Matters

"This is strange," Arin Helev stated as he observed the Emperor of Cedore who was sitting on his right. "Did the Empress really allow you to travel with just a single guard?"

Kalos Francia laughed at the remark of the young King. "Of course. It's a special matter."

"Special matter?" Arin Helev asked and said, "I really wish to know where you go to be coined as a special matter. Even Her Majesty the Empress agrees to it. I still remember how she always tends to over worry whenever it concerns your safety."

"I travel, hoping to solve a matter which my family really wish to settle for two decades. So, no one objects to it," Emperor Kalos simply replied.

Arin Helev nodded and asked, "Is that matter settled then?"

Letting out a sigh, the Emperor shook his head. "Seems like I have to give in more effort."

"It's my first time knowing that you can also struggle with something," Arin Helev pointed out jokingly. "You make me quite curious."