Destined To See You Again

Days passed by and in no time, it turned to a week. The wedding ceremony of Orius and Valerie which was held in the imperial palace of Cedore was just concluded.

As the wedding was rushed, no guests were invited from outside Cedore but due to the status of the bride and groom, many officials and nobles attended the wedding.

In Cedore, a huge feast would be held on the night of the wedding for the newlywed couple and that was currently held in the palace. As expected, the huge hall was filled with powerful and influential people from all over the empire, starting from the Emperor and Empress.

As the centre of the feast, the new couple also sat beside the imperial couple with many guests approaching them to congratulate them and to give them many lavished wedding gifts. It was the custom in Cedore to accept wedding gifts during the feast. The Duke of Manea also sat on the left of the imperial couple.