Not Every Sin Is Pardonable

"Why won't you go to the ball?" Standing near the couch where Andres sat, Iria looked down at her cousin with a perplexed face. "We are here for the celebration, Andres. It's not good to skip any of the events."

"I really don't feel like it," the Crown Prince argued. "Just go on without me."

Letting out a sigh, Iria glanced at her husband who was standing beside her. "Arin, will you please go ahead? I will join you later with Andres."

Arin Helev briefly glanced at his friend before he nodded and walked out of the chamber.

Once Arin was gone, Iria took a seat beside her cousin and looked at him. "What's wrong?" she asked. "This is not like you."

"I don't think I'll be able to face Maria," Andres Francia muttered. He recalled how hard it was to see her with that Duke last night and he didn't want another show. What Maria said to him before made things harder for him.