Even More Dangerous

The new couple rode an open carriage to tour around the capital. They chat as they greeted the people who eagerly stood on the side, hoping to get a glimpse of the new Crown Princess.

They would also stop once in a while to chat with the people.

"I don't know that the capital is this vast, Your Highness," Ophelia pointed out. "In terms of capital alone, I think it's the same with Aederin."

"That's right," Crown Prince Andres nodded. "Aederin is bigger than Cedore but our capital is pretty much the same in size." He paused when one thing crossed his mind. "You don't know that? You're already here for more than a week even before you enter the palace."

"You know, I hurt my ankle that day. Gus won't let me go out until it's healed," the Crown Princess sighed. "I was forced to stay in the inn for days."

When her brother won't budge no matter how much she pleaded, she only realized that it was a bad idea to trip on purpose.