I'm Sure That Everything Will Go As Planned

Emor Tripas felt tight-lipped.

He knew that his uncle was right. He knew that Iria hated his uncle to the core and... Arin Helev will always go along with her.

Though he wanted to stop his uncle, he never wanted him dead.

Ever since he was young, Aryan Tripas was the only one who always took his side. Even when he suffered in his father's hands, his uncle was the only one who cared about him. When Nardodia fell, his uncle risked his life to take him out of the palace.

He knew that he was the only one whom his uncle truly cared. Though his uncle's affection was abusive and manipulative, Emor never wanted any harm to happen to his uncle. He meant it when he said that he only wanted to stop him from committing more sins.

They were each other's weaknesses.

"Why can't you answer me, Emor?" Aryan Tripas taunted him. "Did you realize that I'm telling the truth?"