It Will Be Too Late

In the royal palace of Helsia, Derin walked inside the King's chamber and bowed to greet the king who was sitting on a chair behind the desk.

"Your Majesty."

When the King looked up at him, Derin felt the pressure. He really wished to avoid giving this report to the King. However, there was no way to avoid it.

"What is it?" Zaro Aventine asked as he could sense that something wasn't right.

"The soldiers who went to check on Her Majesty have returned but... they said that Her Majesty didn't enter the palace, let alone the capital," Derin informed the King with his head bowed.

Hearing this, the eyes of the young King grew wide and he abruptly rose from his seat. "What do you mean?" he asked. "How is that possible?"

"I have no idea, Your Majesty," Derin replied, not daring to look up even once.

Placing his palms on the table, Zaro Aventine narrowed his eyes as many possibilities entered his mind.