Just One Shameless Person

Seeing Zaro Aventine in flesh again after more than a year, Orius Alewine clenched his fists as he instantly struggled to not lose his cool.

After everything he did to his twin sister, how could he possibly be calm?

That Jerivian King was the one whom Iria used to describe as her everything. However, his change shattered her heart and he even took away her closest companion from her.

Why was it so easy for him?

Orius didn't understand.

It seemed like he was even worse than his father, the late King Tobias Aventine. At least, King Tobias lived his life in regret and torment for what he did. However, his son was just one shameless person.

"Let's hide somewhere," Andres said to Orius when he noticed the rage in the latter's eyes. "Being caught isn't an option. His soldiers will outnumber us and we're in his territory right now."