Don't You Dare Die

"What happened?" Iria asked as she walked closer to the guard who was kneeling with his gaze on the floor.

"There was an ambush while we were in the outskirts of Celon Province, Your Majesty," the guard replied.

Hearing the news that confirmed her fear, the Queen squeezed her dress with anxiety invading her!

"Several guards died there and His Majesty also obtained an arrow shot wound on his left arm," the guard replied. "Fortunately, Commander Nico and his soldiers were on time and the assassins were killed but... " The guard paused as he hesitated to continue. However, he knew he couldn't do that while the Queen was waiting.

"It turned out that the particular arrow used on His Majesty was poisoned," he continued. "He lost his consciousness right after the incident and he is now treated in the Petrus Army camp by the royal doctor."

Poison... Whenever this one word was mentioned, Iria could only think of one name.

Aryan Tripas.