What A Liar!

"Stay here with His Highness for the time being," Colson Leland said to Alena. "If you try anything, I will forget that I'm the one who practically raised you and taught you everything. Don't force me to hurt you, Alena."

"Do you really mean it?" Alena asked with a hint of doubt on her face. "Will you let Emor live?"

Thinking of the King's words, the official briefly glanced at Crown Prince Emor once again. "For now," he muttered. "But you heard the doctor. He has a very small chance of surviving."

"You are the one who worsened his situation," Alena pointed out in a cold voice. "He is this sick but you still subjected him to that long journey from Qalagon to here."

Colson Leland was always devoted to Nardodia and Aryan Tripas. When his men told him that the Crown Prince was acting suspicious, he investigate it only to find out that Emor was helping Arin Helev. He informed the King about it but... it didn't work.