The Decision That Changed Everything

Despite the presence of thousands of souls before the gate of the Nardodian Army camp, complete silence occupied the place once again.

Standing before the horse that Iria rode, Aryan Tripas looked up at Iria and the latter never stopped observing him.

It seemed like he was really serious.

"You sure live up to the rumors about you, Aryan Tripas," the Qalagon Queen pointed out after what felt like hours. "Even now, you only ask for me not to take the throne and not to kill your heir. If anyone else were in your place, they will beg for the lives of their people."

"No matter how worse I am, I know that you won't touch innocent people just because they are my people. Why would I bother to beg for it?" Aryan Tripas simply said to Iria.

"Then does it mean you believe that I will kill your nephew?" Iria Helev asked.

"Why would you hesitate?"