After Two Years (2)

Two years of no letter, chat, or meeting. During those times, all Iria and Arin knew about Emor Tripas was from the rumors. They heard that, unlike his uncle, he was a good king who cared for his people with all his heart. In the past two years, he reformed and strengthened Nardodia to a great extent.

Though the couple sent an invitation to the young Nardodian King, their expectation wasn't high. However, it was their way of letting him know that they were still open if he ever wished to rekindle their relationship.

While the Qalagon King and Queen were staring at Emor Tripas as if they saw a ghost, the Nardodian King was already standing right before them.

"It's been a long time, Your Majesties," Emor Tripas said to them in his same old calm voice. "Thank you for inviting me."

Iria Helev recalled her last memory of this man - him desperately hugging his uncle's dead body after the latter offered his life to stop her.