GoE 14 The awaited night

--a playlist of this chapter: dramatic by Cat & Calmell


There was no longer the light of the twilight sun which was like a golden glow that amazed any human who was in the Elder Prince's palace. Things have returned to calm as before.

Meanwhile, Prince Elder fell asleep after finishing the almond milk that the servant gave him. Now Elle must immediately carry out her mission as Etter has ordered.

"Elle, I will guide you from now on. I will enter your body and take the Black Pearl in one corner of this palace. So get ready. Maybe at first, it will be unpleasant and a little dangerous.

It's because I'm entering a human body for the first time so I have to more or less adapt myself to that human body. In this case, it is you. I hope you will not hold a grudge if later you find yourself slightly injured. "Said Etter explaining what he would do.

Hearing it, Elle swallowed hard. The worst possibility is to find himself dead or caught. Still, it was terrifying in Elle's imagination.

"Please treat my body gently, Etter." Elle stammered.

On the other hand, Etter only laughed lightly before returning to his words.

"Take it easy, Elle. Your awareness will still be there. You see, you can think of your body as a vessel and your soul as content. So, practically, the container contains two souls, namely your soul and mine. Can you understand?" said Etter explained.

"Okay, I understand," Elle replied understood.


In the end, at ten o'clock at night as agreed Etter stood facing Elle. The two of them faced each other with their hands clasped together. Etter then asked Elle to close her eyes and imagine some fun things.

For the first time, the transfer of souls is sometimes quite difficult, although not as difficult as making mountains of gold. After all, Etter is a pure essence that doesn't have a real container. However, they still need adjustments.

And what they do is practically a kind of ritual.


Etter, which was originally in the form of a human, suddenly turned into smoke and flew towards Elle, who was still closed. Then with a movement like being blown into Elle's body in just one second.

And that incident no one saw.

Only Elle was the one who felt and saw Etter who was now completely inside Elle's body. As if there was a strange figure inhabiting her body and Elle felt a little uncomfortable.

"We don't have much time. Elle, I can only hitch a ride in your body for an hour at most. And the longer you stay silent like a confused person, the longer the time is wasted." said Etter in Elle's mind.

Subconsciously Elle nodded slowly and moved according to Etter's instructions, combing the entire room.

With the Elder Prince who was fast asleep, the other servants also rested. There were only a few servants on guard taking turns. The total number of servants in the Little Prince Elder's palace numbered eleven people including the guard behind the large door.

Elle realized there was a small room that was never touched by anyone because the butler strictly forbade it. So, Elle's main goal was the place. The place is stuffy and smelly and without lighting.

With the power of Etter, after Elle managed to enter the narrow room, a light flashed around Elle's body. Stunned Elle for a moment.

"Actually, what are your abilities, Etter?" Elle asked in a heart that was clearly shown to Etter.

"A lot. And you can never imagine it. It's quite touching. Now look for the Black Pearl right away. It will glow if it gets hit by the light I created." replied Etter.

Then, Elle moved around the stuffy room. Opened all the cabinets and boxes that were there and looked suspicious according to Elle. Until five minutes had passed the result was nil.

Of course, Elle didn't lose her mind. Because to keep a forbidden object like the Black Pearl that Etter is looking for, it is impossible for the owner to simply put the object in any place that makes it easy to find.


When Elle tried to remove a painting stuck to the wall, the faint light flickered from the back of the dusty canvas. Immediately Elle took the painting that was blocking between them. Then put the painting of a beautiful princess very carefully.

After all, there was no way just an ordinary princess would make someone draw a painting to remember it. Elle, who is not quite familiar with palace life, understands this sometimes trivial thing.

The Black Pearl with a light flickering weakly because it was mostly covered in thick dust was attached to a small wand like a witch's wand in a deliberately concave part of the wall.

"Take and separate the Black Pearl from the wand. Because if they are still fused then the world will turn even more chaotic. Do you know why Emperor Paddu put this thing in the Elder Prince's palace?" Etter said.

Elle deftly tried to remove the Black Pearl from the wand in one incredibly fast hand motion. Even Elle who did it was amazed because Etter did it.

"How could I know something like that. Etter, I'm just a graduate nurse and live in a modern world that is very practical and Elliot never mentioned anything like that. So just tell me the reason." Elle muttered to herself.

The Black Pearl was finally released from the wand that was shackling it.

"Because the Paddu Emperor did not want his son, the Elder Prince to carry out a revolution and fight his father," said Etter giving and giving more explanation by telepathy.

It was at this time that Elle was crying incessantly.



The full version of the story is only on Webnovel with the following link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/guardian-of-etter_20023474605539705

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